
How to properly prepare a hard-boiled egg: do you put them in the water immediately or only after it boils?

The difference is obvious

Photo: envato

How do you cook soft-boiled eggs? Do you put them in cold water or wait for the water to boil?

According to celebrity chef Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher, the term 'cooking eggs' is a misnomer, the secret to successfully preparing eggs is that they are not actually cooked.

He explains that when you put an egg in boiling water, the yolk remains raw and the white cooks immediately. The goal of cooking, however, is to cook all the components of the egg at the same time in the same way.

Therefore, he offers two alternatives that he believes achieve the best results.

1. To prevent the shell from cracking, pour cold water over the egg before placing it in boiling water.

Leave it in it for as long as you want, this way the egg will cook just as quickly as in boiling water, but it will be better cooked.

2. For another method, he suggests submerging the egg in cold water in a small bowl

Which you then quickly heat up, and as soon as it boils, the egg is ready. However, there is a disadvantage to this method, as the egg is more difficult to peel.

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