He is an excellent lover, full of passion. Of all the astrological signs, he has the best qualities for a perfect husband!
While there's no comparison between mums and their truly exceptional parenting skills, we've looked at what astrology has to say about it - so which signs make the best mums?
They may be really stubborn, but they are adorned with wonderful qualities and great values!
Are you wondering which part of your or your partner's body is the most attractive according to astrology? Maybe the bridge or lips are swollen? Read which one and see for yourself if it really is.
They have always liked opposites - rebellious girls are interested in hard-working guys, and unruly guys are interested in quiet and shy girls (even if sometimes neither of them admit it out loud). What does astrology say about opposites? Opposites attract even in a star sign and these zodiac signs are a perfect match!
In the initial moments of falling in love, forget your mind and follow only your heart. Remember that special weird feeling in your stomach?
In some cases, cancer can be your worst nightmare. He has a very rich imagination and will tell you scenarios that never happened. Scorpio is extremely jealous and extremely persuasive - he is a master of manipulation and very skilled at it.
At the end of April, a real spectacle awaits you in the night sky! What do astrologers say about him?
Love is given and all you receive is a blessing, not a reward. Even if you don't receive anything, you can still be glad that you were able to give.
Who solves shopping problems and who persists in making bad decisions?
Find out what you or your partner do not want to lose in a relationship or what you will fight for until the end.
Flirting is an art that some astrological signs cannot master!