Photo: Matteus Silva de Oliverira/Pexels

What you are not willing to sacrifice for love according to your astrological sign

These are your limits!

Find out what you or your partner do not want to lose in a relationship or what you will fight for until the end.

Each of us has our own values in life. Things he doesn't want to give up, things that make him feel alive and build his personality.

Let's see what you or your partner will not sacrifice in a relationship!


You don't want to lose of your dreams. You will devote every moment of your free time to fulfilling your goals, because they are the way to make your dreams come true.


You don't want to lose your routines. You need a partner who understands your schedule. You are not a very flexible person and you need to plan everything in advance.


You don't want to lose of his time. Even though you are in a relationship, you need time for yourself. You need your space and independence.



You don't want to lose friends and family. You will never stop hanging out with the people you love the most. And your partner needs to understand and accept that, because you don't want to choose between anyone.


You don't want to lose own needs. Put yourself first and don't give in to your partner's whims. You are not his mother to take care of him like a small child.

A virgin

You don't want to lose of their own pets. You will always love them and your partner will have to accept that and learn to live with it.



You don't want to lose of their visions for the future. You know where you want to live and how many children you want to have. If your partner does not share your goals, then they are not right for you.


You don't want to lose your sexual needs. Your partner must give you as much as he receives. You will not settle for anything less than a very active sex life.


You don't want to lose your happiness. You understand that love is not the most important thing. If someone you love hurts you, you walk away. You will not stay and let them hurt you more.



You don't want to lose your money. You are willing to share your money with your partner, but not in unlimited amounts. He, too, must contribute his share to the treasury.


You don't want to lose your favorite shows or your favorite music. You will not change your personality or style to impress someone else.


You don't want to lose your mental health. If the relationship becomes too stressful, you will prefer to leave it. You are willing to work on the relationship, but not at any cost. You are not willing to lower your standards to maintain a relationship.


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