
These astrological signs do not know how to flirt!

Not everyone is a master of seduction

Photo: Barbara Ribeiro/Pexels

Flirting is an art that some astrological signs cannot master!

Do you remember the episode of Friends where Ross tries to flirt with the pizza delivery girl and fails so badly it hurts? According to astrologers, these astrological signs are also quite awkward when it comes to "innocent flirting". You agree?



Aries does not like sophisticated reading between the lines. He likes clear messages and sees flirting as a waste of time. Instead, he likes to reveal all his cards and hope the other person feels the same way. If this is not the case, the Aries will simply move on and not invest much energy in flirting.


Capricorns are self-confident, ambitious and goal-oriented – at least when it comes to their careers. In love life, however, it looks a little different. People born under the sign of Capricorn have no time for trivial flirting and sweet talk. They prefer a serious relationship and want the people they date to recognize that right away. They don't have a lot of romance in them, but at least you always know what you're dealing with!



Geminis are not so good talkers. In fact, they don't know how to flirt at all. They lack determination and "smart flirting". Geminis are sometimes so clumsy during conversations that you don't understand them at all. But it is also a strategy that sometimes works. In fact, that's what makes this astrological sign so cute!


Pisces are very shy and withdrawn. Most of the time, they don't even realize that someone is trying to flirt with them. In addition, this astrological sign is usually too thoughtful to relax and start a conversation with someone. Pisces need to socialize more and listen to their intuition - only then can they meet the right person.


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