Experts believe that the key to peaceful driving lies in maintaining a sense of what is under our control and what we cannot control. Strategies for reducing tension also contribute significantly to this.
Personal growth
Do you know the feeling when you try to fall asleep in the middle of the night, but you just can't because you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts?
Feelings of anxiety are something we all experience. Especially in recent years, which have been marked by the pandemic, more and more people are noticing that it is more difficult to manage stress than in the past. That is why it is very important that we are able to relax, calm down and connect with ourselves even in the most stressful moments. We have prepared 6 ways for you to achieve inner peace during a stressful period.
Manipulation varies from case to case, but what manipulators have in common is that they create feelings of embarrassment, guilt, shame, anxiety in their targets. However, the ways in which they create this feeling can be different. Read more about the five types of manipulators and how to counter their techniques below.
The more languages you know, the more important you are. Many still adhere to this saying today, because in addition to making communication with foreigners easier, by knowing the language you also get to know their culture and enrich yourself. Learning a new language, in addition to obvious work habits, brings many advantages that we are not even aware of. In this article, we reveal 7 advantages of learning foreign languages.
We can all agree that life is much easier with friends. They stand by our side when we experience the most difficult moments, but at the same time we can also share our happiness and successes with them. All friendships are not the same: they can be distinguished by the level of connection, life period and how long they last. We have prepared for you 5 types of friendships that everyone needs in life.
Falling in love is a feeling known to everyone. We recognize it by strong emotions of happiness, but also anxiety and nervousness, and if we are lucky, after a while it turns into love. Sometimes, however, it happens that our feelings are not reciprocated or it turns out that we are not the most compatible with the chosen one, and in this case we want you to stop thinking about him as soon as possible. We asked what science says: why can't you stop thinking about him and how to get over unhappy love?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate our own feelings and the feelings of the people around us. It is not known whether emotional intelligence can be learned or is an inbuilt trait, but it is known that people with a high emotional intelligence quotient do not do the following 10 things.
It is likely that every woman took on the role of mother with certain expectations and beliefs about how she would look - with the idea of being a good mother. Part of these expectations and hopes are the result of the pressures of our environment. Friends, family, media - all these are external factors that more or less influence our lives
Those who are considered the smartest differ from others in a few key ways. You can recognize them by the habits that make them successful. Some individuals impress with their intelligence. But it's not all about the intelligence quotient. Their habits also make them special.
Take back parts of your soul and life will bring you new love! Go ahead, you have the life you deserve!
Loneliness is a feeling that we have all felt in our lives. Especially if it seems to us that everyone around us enjoys groups of friends, but social interactions do not go well with us. It can feel like life is passing us by. Of course, you can also enjoy quality time by yourself, but we have prepared 6 ways for you to become more social and open in society.