
9 tactics with which you can achieve everything you want in life

Photo: Urban Gyllstrom / Unsplash

Although it's easy to point out the reasons why you won't get what you want, make the best possible plan and think positively - the only real failure is when you give up without trying!

Believe it or not, getting what you want in life is actually quite simple - and you don't need a lot of money to do it.

According to a body language expert Judy James Achieving your life goals consists of two key disciplines – how you think and how you act.

Let's check out her quick guide to success!

1. Know your goals and who you are

Dreams are vague, but goals need to be specific and achievable, says Judi, and the more specific and detailed you are, the easier it is to start making plans. She also suggests setting a deadline for everything, which often makes it easier to achieve your dreams.

Be aware of your own positive qualities and say them in front of the mirror.

2. Focus on the positive, not the obstacles, and don't be afraid of failure

While it's easy to point out the reasons why you won't get what you want, it's good to make a plan and think positively - the only real failure is when you give up without trying.


Judi also says to be confident but not arrogant because kindness attracts but arrogance repels. It's okay if you look or sound a little nervous in an interview or meeting, because it shows how genuine you are.

3. Inspire, but don't force

How can you sell your skills and talents to someone else if you are not sure about them yourself. When you have a positive, realistic view of your strengths, your confidence will be reflected in your body language. Trying to convince someone else of something you are not sure about yourself is always risky.

4. Visualize your success

Be like an actor who steps on stage, if you practice your performance beforehand, you will be more confident.


Close your eyes and imagine that your meeting or conversation is going well, with a successful outcome. The more you mentally rehearse your approach, the easier it will be to appear confident during a meeting or conversation.

5. Make an impression

Make a great first impression. Straighten up to your full height, push your shoulders back and down to reduce any muscle tension, and pretend you're greeting a friend so your facial muscles relax – resulting in a genuine smile.

People judge you in the first few seconds, and even when they're wrong, it can create a bias where they stick with their assumptions with or without evidence.


6. Relax your mouth and breathe

Before you start speaking, press the tip of your tongue to the sky. This relaxes the jaw muscles and helps prevent the tight upper lip you can get when you're nervous. Even deep breathing can cause muscle tension, but gentle breathing will relax your body and voice.

7. Use assertive body language

Do not sit with your legs and arms crossed. It's okay to cross your legs and rest your elbows on the arms of your chair to create a subtle game that exudes confidence.

8. Listen and mirror

People are always more convinced by those who listen to their points of view. Use eye contact to show active listening and nod your head to show understanding – plus a slight head tilt shows interest.

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