It must have happened to you that when you look in the mirror and see a photo of yourself, you see a completely different picture. Nobody likes it when they don't look the way they want in a photo, and nobody feels the most confident about it. That's why we asked experts in the field of photography how it is possible that sometimes it seems that we look completely different in the mirror than in the photos.
Personal growth
Keep moving forward even when you've done something wrong. Don't waste too much time feeling sorry for yourself. As long as you grow from the experience and try your best, you should be proud of yourself.
Sometimes the pain lingers long after the relationship ends. Sometimes pain overshadows your every step. It stayed in the little things, in the morning coffee, in the whispers, in the places you visited together... You are allowed to feel the pain.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! You've probably heard this saying a million times, but it's not that simple. What to do when problems arise? How do you find optimism when you feel like all doors have closed?
Stop running from your feelings. Stop acting like your heart is made of ice. Stop acting like you don't care about anyone but yourself.
A soulmate is a person who inspires you to become a better version of yourself and understands you better than anyone else. Motivator Natasha Graziano's book is based on the Law of Attraction and the Meditative Behavioral Synchronicity (MBS) method, which promises to help people attract their soulmate in five simple steps.
It has happened to everyone that some people simply stopped being a part of your life. Maybe friends or partners, but definitely people who once meant something to you. Those with whom you were close, but the relationship ended in a breakup.
Nobody likes to be sad, and when we are sad, we try to get out of it, we want to feel better as soon as possible, and we often suppress our emotions. We understand sadness as an unbearable state that burdens us, but the forms of sadness are very diverse, they are of different intensities. Grief is a part of life.
They say it's hard to find a true friend, and even harder to keep it for the rest of your life. But there are also friendships that can shake this claim. They are the family we choose for ourselves and are the people we first want to share both good and bad news with, talk about absolutely everything. There are many myths about friendship. According to psychologists, hanging out with friends is good for both mental and physical health, and after reading this article, you'll want to spend more time with them.
Probably, one of you has met a mother-in-law who does not show love, respect and understanding. The mother-in-law sometimes cannot accept the fact that her son has created his own family and that his wife is now the most important woman in his life. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding can destroy your relationship. You must remember that you cannot control what your mother-in-law will think and feel about you, but you can control how you react. Here are some tips for finding balance with your mother-in-law.
Change is scary because it means leaving the comfort zone, entering unknown terrain, risk, the certainty of mistakes in uncertainty. But any change is better than stagnation. When you stay the same and don't change at all, it means you are stagnant.
Dreams are among those phenomena that science cannot yet fully explain. But the most mysterious are certainly recurring dreams: that is, dreams that you experience monthly, weekly or even every night. We asked what such dreams could mean and how, if they are not of the most pleasant nature, you can get rid of them.