
10 rules of emotionally intelligent people that make life easier

Photo: Allef Vinicius/ Unsplash

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate our own feelings and the feelings of the people around us. It is not known whether emotional intelligence can be learned or is an inbuilt trait, but it is known that people with a high emotional intelligence quotient do not do the following 10 things.

1. They don't let their feelings go unnoticed

Self-awareness is one of the main characteristics of people with a high emotional intelligence quotient. This means, among other things, that they are fully aware of their own feelings and have a good understanding of how these feelings affect them and the people around them. They don't let their feelings get out of control and never ignore them. They may think more with their heart than with their head, but this makes them more sensitive to their own and other people's emotions.


2. They don't ignore other people's feelings

They understand the emotions of others people and can imagine themselves in the shoes of other people. They never ignore the feelings of other people, moreover, they want to understand them as best as possible, because they are very compassionate. They can even read a person's feelings by facial expression and body language and can anticipate the needs of others because they are very perceptive.

3. They don't let others control their feelings

People with high emotional intelligence are very sensitive, but they always try control your own emotions, regardless of what others tell them. In other words, they will not let others spoil their mood, they are very sensitive, but they always try control your feelings, regardless of what others tell them. In other words, they won't let others spoil their mood. They celebrate life and have a positive attitude, even when celebrating alone. They are resilient and quickly recover from any negativity, rejection, betrayal.

4. They avoid the victim mentality

Because it totally does aware of their own feelings, understand that only they can control how they feel. They don't blame others if they have a bad day, and they constantly regulate their feelings in order to tolerate everything that happens around them as well as possible. if they have a bad day, they constantly regulate their emotions in order to cope with everything that happens around them more easily them.


5. They are not complacent

People with high emotional intelligence always they try to achieve their own goals and they do not allow themselves to be passive. They believe in themselves, work hard to get rid of their fears and always try to stay motivated no matter the obstacles they encounter. They do not shy away from change and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone, because they know that this will stimulate their own mental development and pave the way to a better future.

6. They don't let their feelings get the best of them

Although emotionally intelligent people are always aware of their own feelings, they do not focus only on their inner world. They know when focus on the outside world, because they realize that if they live too much in their head, they will create problems that never existed. They are aware of their emotions but do not allow them to rule his life.

7. They don't ignore the reason they feel that way

Emotionally intelligent people not only know how to recognize their own feelings, but also know why they feel that way. Always they will look a little deeper into themselves, to discover the cause, to fully understand why certain feelings arose in the first place and how to deal with them.

8. They do not get involved in unnecessary conflicts

People with a high EI know that feelings are energy and understand that they have to pick their battles. They will only get into a heated argument when they feel the other person deserves an explanation or when their only option is to confront that person.

9. They don't engage in gossip

They understand how harmful it is easy gossip, and they know that nothing good can come of gossip. They will enjoy engaging in positive, deep and meaningful conversations with others, and will avoid conversations filled with negativity. They simply don't have the energy for meaningless conversations and maintaining superficial relationships with people.


10. They are not ashamed to say "no" when they have to

They understand that people have limits, including themselves, and that they can't always say yes to everything. They know their limits and agree only to those activities and requests that they can reasonably perform and achieve.

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