In order to love another, you must first love yourself. Although this love should be as natural as breathing, many people struggle to accept themselves, their shortcomings, as well as their achievements. Are you happy?
Personal growth
When making decisions, we often give priority to rational thinking, but we must not neglect that inner voice, that hidden feeling inside us. A feeling that drives us into action, or that sometimes tells us that something is wrong, even when we don't know what. Although we cannot define intuition precisely, we know that we should never neglect this intuitive feeling within us.
While we can't escape or completely eliminate anxiety, we can create a more peaceful life with natural anxiety relievers. Plant-based essential oils, free of nasty synthetic chemicals, are relatively cheap and readily available, and they help calm a stressed nervous system.
Tired of happy couples reminding you of your single status? Are you sick of events and social gatherings where people come with their partners (and no one follows you)? Do you think you will be single forever? Feeling lonely?
Do you ever sit at work and think: "Oh, if I closed my eyes, I would fall asleep in a second". And then you reach for coffee, energy drinks, and you don't know what else to do to not be so low on energy.
Recent studies on the impact of gardening on life have reinforced anecdotal evidence of how effective gardening is. In fact, research on the psychological benefits of gardening in the treatment of depression has shown excellent results.
Think it over! Judge! ... And ask yourself the questions that will free you from the useless and fruitless yield that benefits only one! Be strong! Take a decisive step forward into a new life! It's time to let go of a man who doesn't appreciate you!
You know all about giving support, comfort, how to be there when a person needs a shoulder to cry on. You have learned to listen carefully and understand other people's problems. You have learned to share your time, energy and attention - with others. And now you wonder how it is that even though you have given someone everything - yourself, your heart and love, that it is not enough for them. Why?
If you want your work performance to be better, you need to take action. There are various healthy habits that can improve the way you work and improve your productivity. Here are some of the best methods you can use.
We all live a double life, considering the fact that we spend half of our time on social networks, which we manage with our virtual profiles. Are you the same friend in real life as you are on Instagram? Are you a completely different person on Instagram!
When you become a mother, your life is completely turned upside down and takes on deeper dimensions of value. For most women, becoming a mother is one of the most transcendent actions in life, with which they reevaluate their life priorities. Parenting is about gaining experience. It seems that you can read all the books in the world, attend all the possible courses, but when your child comes into the world, you always have more questions than answers!
Sometimes we are just obsessed with the fact that everything has to be perfect. Would it be better to accept imperfections as well? Is it so bad if something goes wrong? If you didn't know everything. If we didn't always say or do the right things?