Science has shown what kind of women make men the happiest. Are you among them?
Which sign can read you like an open book?
Have you ever noticed that you walk or talk like your friends? This is no mere coincidence, and we reveal why.
If you want a long life, we have the perfect recipe for you. A little for fun and a little for real: sex has a lot of positive effects on the body, among other things it is said to slow down aging. Although you won't live forever, even if you jump under the sheets several times a day, we reveal to you how much sex is necessary to at least slow down aging.
A psychological study says that with the help of a game (36 questions and 4 minutes of eye contact), we can fall madly in love with virtually anyone. And that in 45 minutes. If you want to fall in love now, read on.
Put your relationship to the test! As a newlywed couple, complete these 10 micro-challenges and lay the foundation for a successful relationship. Lets go! It's simple!
Opinions about marriage are different - some marry very early, others are doomed to wait for eternity. Reason? Madness, falling in love, fate, or it is simply "written" somewhere that you will get married on that exact year, month and day, even hour, minute and second. These astrological signs are reported at a very young age. See if you are one of them.
You've probably heard claims that jumping between the sheets can replace some kind of sports activity such as running, cycling or going to the gym for weight loss. This is news that everyone would be happy to hear. Well, the reality is a little different. If you were thinking of exchanging a visit to the gym for making love with your partner, think again.
Although both men and women love to indulge in sex, they have quite a few fears about it. What fears are you facing?
It very often happens that men lie around like wounded deer after intercourse and sometimes even fall asleep. Many women take it too personally and attribute the reasons for doing this to anything other than the actual reason. If you are one of them, read the article carefully, because you will realize that not everything is as black and white as it seems.
Science reveals how many times a week happy couples play between the sheets. You will be surprised.
Do you need someone who is very reliable, very funny, or do you prefer someone who is a very good listener? Find out who your ideal friend is according to your astrological sign.