Is your partner constantly putting words in your mouth? Does he not respect you in front of other people?
"Life is not made of wishes, but of the actions of each of us!" - Paulo Coelho
When choosing a potential partner, inches are extremely important...just not the ones you probably thought of first!
"There is no true love without respect." - Immanuel Kant
The latest research shows that the main source of women's stress is men.
"The first step to getting what you want in life is: decide what you want." - Ben Stein
Read him through his body language and demeanor.
"A head in the right place and a good heart are always a powerful combination." - Nelson Mandela
"If you don't remember a single madness that love has driven you into, then you've never loved." - William Shakespeare
"Find a woman who makes you feel alive. She won't make your life perfect, but it will be infinitely more interesting. And then love her with everything that exists in you." - Gayle G. Roper
Why do women jump the fence?