We all know how important it is to make a good first impression. Otherwise, it's clear to everyone that you can't fairly judge a book by its cover, but we humans are so conditioned that it's hard not to form an opinion about a person within the first few minutes of a new contact. But what is the psychology of first impressions? What do we judge people by first? You can find the answers to these questions in this article.
Big decisions require some thought. If you feel that your relationship is moving in the right direction and you want to take another step towards commitment, first check how solid your relationship is. Ask each other 9 questions that will make you face the truth - the purpose of these is not to show that there is something wrong with the relationship, but to find out what your weak points are and how you can improve them.
If you think your partner is cheating on you, wait before you start accusing them. Make sure your assumptions are correct!
Finding the right partner is not a cakewalk. The question is whether it is even mathematically probable. The answer to this question came from the charming mathematician Hannah Fry, who in her TED talk talks about the mathematics of love and in her talk reveals the patterns by which we look for love and gives us three tips (which are mathematically verified) on how to find the perfect a person for yourself.
Do you know what things you need to do as a newlywed couple to build a good foundation for your future together?
Are there rules for a successful relationship between two? Scientists have analyzed strong and successful couples and found out which 15 things make them so successful.
If your last few dates have been unsuccessful, we have a tip for you that is worth trying. Watch porn before a date and you'll have a better chance of getting another.
In her book, kissing expert Sheril Kirshenbaum defined the different types of kisses and their meaning. What does your kissing style say about you and your relationship?
Love is a beautiful emotion that can quickly turn to hate - don't let hurtful actions cause your relationship to fall apart.
We can get involved in toxic or unhealthy relationships in various areas. Partnership expert Melita Kuhar writes about why this happens to us and what relationships we prefer to end in time.
If we have the feeling that we are tired and confused after contact with someone and we cannot determine exactly why, we are probably dealing with an emotional manipulator. Such people are all around us, waiting to get their next dose of feeling of power and control. In the article, we reveal what the typical behavior of an emotional manipulator is and what are the six typical patterns of his behavior in a relationship that can make us feel that something is wrong with us.