
Love quotes that will make you reevaluate your relationship with your partner

Love has the power to change our world. We can immerse ourselves in it and feel like we are in heaven with our loved one. But we can be hurt, feel betrayed or feel jealous. If only it were simpler... But if it was, life wouldn't be so exciting and memorable. These are quotes that can change our current outlook on love and relationships.

Love Quotes That Will Make You reassess your relationship with your partner:

It's not about finding a perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.*

If we always expect a perfect match, we will always be unhappy. We will always look for and see various flaws. That's why we have to accept people as they are. The less we expect from them, the better. Of course, together we can learn how to improve, but let's not expect that everything will always be perfect.

Love is not who you can see yourself with. It is who you can't see yourself without.**

Sometimes it happens that the partner has to go on a business trip tomorrow, or that he has so much work that he barely finds time for us. This does not mean that you should just give up on the relationship and decide for someone who will always be physically present. Often the people who are successful in long distance relationships are also the most committed.

Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, there is no reason to continue.***

There is a reason why we want a partner. We want to be completely exposed with our memories, dark secrets, our inner feelings and have someone by our side who will understand us. Someone who loves us back and shares his experiences. No judgments. No doubts. No coolness. He is an attentive companion that you can rely on with your life.

Communication is still important.
Communication is still important.

You lose yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn't care about losing you.****

A breakup? It happens. And while our ex-partner has already moved on, we are stuck in the past. We remember all the little things we did together and wonder what went wrong. The truth is that people change. Or worse, they stop talking to us at all. The only solution to a broken heart is to start doing things that make us happy, with people who love us. If we focus on ourselves and improve ourselves every day, we will be better than average.

Life is not about constantly fighting to keep someone in your life. It is about constantly fighting for a better life together.*****

Love should not be selfish. You should not demand constant attention from your partner. We shouldn't force them to be their whole world. If we really care, we will put our emotions aside and help them overcome the stress and problems that are plaguing them. Let's encourage every decision they make. Let's work with them to make it even better in the future. Strive for a better life and don't hold your partner back just because of your selfishness.

Together we fight for a better tomorrow.
Together we fight for a better tomorrow.

*It's not about finding the perfect person. We must learn how to see an imperfect person as perfect.

** Love is not the person we can see each other with. He is that person without whom we cannot even imagine ourselves.

*** Without communication, there is no relationship. There is no love without respect. Without trust, there is no reason to continue.

**** We lose ourselves when we hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing us.

***** Life shouldn't be a constant struggle to keep someone alive. It should be a constant struggle for a better life together.

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