Chemistry and attraction are physical feelings that we encounter at the very beginning of falling in love, and they usually appear completely unexpectedly. After a certain amount of time that we spend in a relationship, they change a bit - namely, they move into romantic feelings or the so-called romantic chemistry.
Psychologists claim that distrust in oneself and one's partner is one of the most common causes of jealousy. What if you want to inject a little jealousy into your relationship to spice things up? Do you think your partner is not jealous enough? Here are 10 moves you can make to provoke a jealous reaction from your partner.
Actually, I can't promise you anything. Promises don't matter. They are not guarantees. They sound nice, but they are not always realistic.
Jealousy is a feeling known to everyone. Some even claim that it is completely normal in a relationship - in small doses, of course. But it often happens that jealousy becomes too strong and thus begins to destroy a relationship that looked so promising at the beginning. To prevent this from happening, we have prepared for you 6 hidden signs that jealousy is destroying your relationship.
For many, meeting the parents is a clear sign that the relationship is going in a serious direction. Few people introduce their parents to all their partners, and it usually takes a while for a couple to go to their first family lunch together. No matter how much he manages to convince you that his parents are great people, are you still nervous? How will the potential mother-in-law and father-in-law react, will they like you, what will you talk about. Are you afraid of uncomfortable silence, strange looks and wondering what to wear?
Your journey has ended. A void remained. An empty bed. Memories. Pain. You don't know how to proceed. He is afraid of you.
A strong woman is one who knows what she wants and wants to spend her life with a man who will be worthy of her. With a man who will be mature enough to go through life with her shoulder to shoulder. One who will see and accept her as she is and be her best friend. In this article, we reveal 6 signs that indicate that you have a good husband or partner by your side.
If the thought "I'm going to change him" sounds familiar, it's possible that you're trying to educate or re-educate your partner. Because you feel that your partner is not mature enough, you want and try to be the person in the relationship who will change him. In this article, we reveal 3 warning signs that show unhealthy dynamics in a relationship.
Oh, this crush. For romantics, it's considered the most beautiful emotion they can feel, but it's still a puzzle for experts. Although we know the chemical reactions that take place in our brains when we like someone, we still don't know what exactly makes a person fall in love. This time we inquired about another question that many researches tackle: how long does it take to really fall in love?
One of the more sensitive topics in relationships and marriages is that which concerns ex-partners. These are conversations that are not easy. While on the one hand we want to leave the past behind us, on the other hand we still want to know and verify some information. Of course, this does not mean that you have to ask your partner about all, even the smallest details of his past.
A happy, healthy and long-lasting relationship is the kind of relationship we all dream of. However, in practice, it often happens that this desire does not come true, regardless of our efforts: we move away from our partner or we get the feeling that the problems we face in the relationship are no longer solvable. So we asked what the experts think: what action can ensure a happy relationship?
Most people are surprised when I say that my husband is my best friend, but it's the truth. He is by far the best friend I have ever had and I don't think any other person will ever be able to replace him.