
Myth: Only 5 men out of 100 can boast of a "tool" longer than 16 centimeters

What is yours?! And are you lucky to be in the top 5 percent..

Photo: elements

What is the message of a study conducted on thousands and thousands of men? Guys, don't be so hard on yourself because what you see on TV or in magazines is not an accurate representation of the reality of the average penis.

Researchers who measured the size of the penis in more than 15,000 men worldwide, found that there isn't much of a correlation between the size of the feet or hands and the length of the penis, so women should actually stop judging men by the size of their shoes and hands, reports IFL Science. The average length of an erect penis is slightly more than 13 centimetersin And with the study, they disproved a lot of myths.

Photo: elements.envato

With many comparing themselves to the 'average' penis size, it's surprisingly difficult to figure out what that number actually is. As the scientists pointed out, this is mainly because most studies relied on self-reporting, which is often not realistic. To avoid this problem and obtain a more reliable set of data, a group of British researchers decided to have the measurements performed by medical professionals who followed a standardized measurement procedure.

They included measurements of girth (circumference at the root or in the middle) and length (from the pubic bone to the top of the head) from 20 different studies involving 15,521 men from different countries around the world. And the results will make it easier for many to dispel the myths about mega limbs.

A relaxed penis was found to be long 9.16 cm, and the average erect penis 13.12 cm. In terms of girth, it was found that the average girth when relaxed was 9.31 cm and when erect was 11.66 cm. In addition, men with penises at the extreme ends of the spectrum were found to be much less common. For example, only 5 men in every 100 have an erect penis longer than 16 cm.

"Only 5 men in every 100 have an erect penis longer than 16 cm."

When looking for correlations with other physical characteristics, such as testicular size, weight, or foot size, there were no strong or consistent associations. Although they found no significant evidence of an association between penis size and race, they note that conclusions cannot be drawn since most of the measurements were made on Caucasians.

So what is the message of the study? Men, don't be so hard on yourself because what you see on TV or in magazines is not an accurate representation of the average penis. But if you're worried, make sure you measure correctly.

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