One of the most common reasons for quarrels in relationships is that one of the partners does not agree with the actions of the other, while the other does not want his behavior despite promises. cannot change. Of course, it depends on the situation how justified the first person's expectations are, but according to experts, the conclusion is usually the same: the two partners realize that they will not be able to change each other if they themselves are not ready for it.
When we are in a serious relationship with someone, thinking about moving into a shared home is completely logical. Many couples also face concerns here: is it perhaps too early to take this step and can living together shake even such a strong relationship? We asked what the experts think about this topic: when is the right time for you and your partner to start living together?
In recent years, social networks have become an important part of our lives, which each individual views a little differently. Some take them as a necessary evil that they need for career connections, while others are happy to share their important and less important moments through them. In any case, caution is necessary when using them - especially if you are in a serious relationship. We have prepared for you 6 mistakes on social networks that can destroy your relationship.
There are many reasons why you may end up with the wrong partners over and over again, or feel hopeless about love and the dating world. You may already be working to change childhood patterns and get rid of misconceptions about love, but there's another secret that many experts say is the most important. And this is the fact that you should not be indecisive when looking for love.
We've all heard men complain that condoms are tight, that the feeling isn't that good. The feeling is probably really different with a condom than without, but...
When we find ourselves in a new relationship that fills us with strong emotions and love for our partner, it can happen all too quickly that we lose ourselves a bit. No matter how independent you were when you were single, sometimes the line between considering your partner and losing your own identity is very thin. That is why we have prepared 5 ways for you to preserve your uniqueness and identity in a relationship.
It has happened to all of us that we confided in our partner our feelings, opinions or simply something that happened to us that day, but we got the feeling that he is not listening to us at all. And since feelings of not being heard can lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts in the relationship all too quickly, we have prepared for you 5 ways to talk to your partner so that he really listens.
Did you choose the right date? A date that brings happiness and a long marriage? How long will your marriage last? Check!
There can be at least two things in your relationship that are the basis for intimacy! What does it mean if two partners are intimately or sexually compatible?
In a relationship, it often happens that unhealthy patterns from our childhood come to the fore. Because we learned then that a certain way of behavior is correct, we imitate it in adult life, which can have an extremely negative impact on our relationship. And one of the very common negative patterns is sacrifice, that is, constantly giving without receiving. We asked what such behavior looks like and how to break the vicious circle.
If it used to be that we rarely heard news about the lives of ex-partners after a breakup, now with the rise in popularity of social networks it has become completely normal to come across them too often. And sometimes it hurts: especially when we notice that someone we loved so much has found a new love. That's why we've prepared 6 ways for you to accept that your ex has found someone else.
All of us, single or not, have gone through a "dry" period when it comes to our sex life at some point in our lives.