The beginning of a love relationship is full of passion and that's when sex life also flourishes. Over time, however, problems can arise in a marriage or relationship, which for many couples means the end of their sex life. Therefore, it is important that you and your partner discover the reasons and openly discuss why such problems occur. In this article, we reveal to you the findings of experts, what is the reason for bed problems in a relationship.
It's easy to fall in love with what's out there. It's easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love or with someone's personality. It's easy to fall in love when everything is beautiful and perfect. The real challenge is to fall in love with someone's soul, with the very essence of their soul.
Does he like me or not? Why doesn't he tell me those two words? Is it that hard? Why bother with these words, let his actions count. Those two words are worth nothing if the person doesn't respect you.
Do you schedule sex like you schedule a doctor's appointment? Do you remember your sex life before marriage? Do you make love once or twice a month? Or at all? If you answered yes to these questions, you are one of 20 % couples who are stuck in a relationship with little or no sex.
Whether they're in a relationship or single, these 3 zodiac signs are experiencing fireworks of passion this year! There is absolutely no boredom in their bed...
Some astrological signs need to be patient before they find the right partner. While some marry their childhood sweethearts, others find their perfect match later. Did you know that it can be related to your astrological sign?
Many couples get a sense of comfort and relief after marriage. Since they are finally in a stable relationship, most of them give up dieting and stop watching their diet. As a result, couples gain an average of 1.8 kilograms in the first year after marriage, and after four years of marriage they weigh as much as six kilograms more than on their wedding day.
A beautiful woman walks past you and your partner looks behind her. Even if you are standing right next to him. Why do men look after other women and what does this mean for your relationship?
Recently, you can come across the term "gaslighting" in every corner of social networks. It is clear to most that the word refers mainly to partner relationships and that it does not mean anything good, but many are not quite sure what this manipulation looks like in practice. That's why we have prepared 5 signs for you to recognize gaslighting immediately.
When we enter into a partnership, we want a healthy relationship in which both partners invest effort. But unfortunately, this is not always the case and many times we find that we are the only ones fighting for the relationship, while our partner is not willing to work on the relationship. Then, of course, it's time to talk and consider whether it's worth staying in the relationship. We have prepared for you 6 signs that your relationship is one-sided, that is, that you are the only one who is working for it.
A video has surfaced on TikTok that reveals that your dentist doesn't just see how much candy you've eaten. But what is behind it?
Some zodiac signs are especially likely to get married before the age of 30. Check if you are among them!