
You are nobody's half!

Photo: envato

Have you ever felt the pressure from those around you, especially from those closest to you, that you have to find someone, your soul mate, to be with him for the rest of your life, so that you won't be alone, right?

In various ways, they let you know that single life is the worst thing that can happen to you.

And when you're in a relationship, they say that your better half, your soulmate, that right person has to complete you.

Of course it's okay that we all want someone, it's a normal human need. Love is a need. But the very concept of being nobody's half is completely wrong.

You are nobody's half and nobody can complete you, complete you. Why? Because you are already a complete person, an individual.

You are whole, whether you are single or in a relationship. You can make your own decisions, rule your body, you are independent. No one can take that away from you and you shouldn't let anyone take it away from you. If you've been taught that you're not perfect and that you need someone to make you so, you've been taught poorly.


No one is going to magically change your life. It may seem that way at the beginning when you are in love, but eventually you will find that you still have the same problems, the same insecurities, the same thoughts. You are you - whoever you are with.

Many people enter relationships with the idea of a relationship and marriage, that something will change in them. They expect the other person to fix them and save them from themselves. And then they're disappointed when it doesn't happen.

Finding love will not save you, mainly because everything is fine with you. No matter how you feel, no matter what you think about yourself, you are okay. And it's your decision if you want to improve, but you have to understand that you have to do everything yourself.

You have to work on yourself, create a happier life for yourself. Another person will not be able to give it to you. Of course, your partner can make you happy and influence you positively or negatively, but what happens is up to you.


And if there is a breakup and it turns out that this is not "your half", will you again feel that you are not perfect?

It is foolish to think that whether or not you are perfect depends on the other person. You are nobody's half and you are intelligent, capable and strong enough to do everything yourself!

A healthy relationship consists of two perfectly imperfect people, not two halves.

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