The truth is often not pleasant, and sometimes it irritates us a lot - before it frees us from our illusions and allows us to feel relief.
Sometimes it's the best. Breakups are painful, but it's even more painful when you try at all costs to solve something that can no longer be solved.
Love is not just a word. It is an emotion that people experience in different ways. Each of us has a hidden desire for that happy, unrepeatable love that we only experience once in our lives. Is that true? Let's see what astrology has to say about it.
Men believe that every woman should know these things about a relationship. And we can agree.
You masturbate a lot, maybe that's all you need?! Then you have entered the path of autosexuality, which can also be dangerous - especially if you are in a relationship with a partner. Autosexuality is a trend which, due to reduced social interactions, is on the rise.
Who cheats more, men or women? Well, it's generally believed to be men, but new research shows that the gender gap is closing. This is not due to the fact that men have fewer extramarital affairs, but it is said to be related to the fact that women started cheating more often!
Less sex marks the first year of marriage for couples who wanted to test whether they could even live together before the wedding itself. The situation is improving, but only after four years.
Are you single, wondering what your summer will be like this year? Will you fall in love? You are one of those astrological signs that will experience just that. Check!
If you dream of a happy long-term partnership, you must realize that it requires a lot of effort. Not just yours or your partner's, but mutual. Perfection only exists in romance books and movies. You know that, right? Are you ready to be by each other's side even when the butterflies disappear?
Wondering if the man you like is only into games between the sheets? Do you have a strange feeling, considering all his touches, looks, words? We reveal to you the signs that will tell you if he really only wants one.
If you're an astrology buff, you might find yourself constantly searching to see which astrological signs match yours. Although any combination is capable of creating a happy marriage, for some it is much easier to achieve this because their desires and characters are aligned.
Love is built from values - love, respect, trust. The man who will offer all this to you (and you to him) is the one who will say these words to you. He will love you in all your imperfection.