Photo: Freepik (Katemangostar)

Why did he suddenly stop texting you (and what to do about it)?

Just a few days ago, he was the most charming man in the world, both in real life and in virtual life. What happened to make him suddenly stop texting you?

His texting skills were really awesome and he never forgot to send you an emoji to make his messages look even more interesting. He told you about his day, his passions, and his plans, making you feel like you were an important part of his life, even if you had just met.

And then all of a sudden you're waiting for him to text you. Minutes, hours, days, weeks and even months pass and he still hasn't texted you. Choose to send him a double or triple message (if that term even exists). However, nothing changes.

Now it's even worse because you have tons of unanswered messages and he might think you're desperate or god knows what (overthinking).

The only thing you think about is: “Why did he suddenly stop texting me when we were doing so well? What happened? What has changed? Did I do something wrong? Are there any other reasons why he suddenly withdrew?” So many questions but not a single answer to soothe your troubled mind.

When he suddenly stops texting you, it doesn't mean you did something wrong.

This is probably the hardest thing to accept. When a guy you really like and have great chemistry with suddenly stops responding to your messages, you can't help but think it's your fault.

In most cases, it has nothing to do with you. No, he didn't stop texting you because you pissed him off with your texts or said something inappropriate that pissed him off. No, he didn't stop texting because he wants you to suffer for some reason.

When he suddenly stops texting you, it doesn't mean you did something wrong.
Photo: Freepik

So many factors go into someone's decision to retire. Maybe he's busy right now and forgot to tell you. He might think if he tells you he's busy, you'll think he's just playing with you. And this is the reason why he has decided to stop texting you right now without telling you why.

Going through your messages to figure out what you did wrong won't help. You'll just get more confused.

You can only guess what is going through his mind. Of course, it would be easier if you knew exactly why he stopped texting you, but you can never know for sure until he tells you.

Until he tells you exactly what's going on in his head, here he is some possible reasons why he suddenly stopped texting you (but don't jump to conclusions yet)!

  • He is currently employed.
  • He is only interested in something casual.
  • He's already busy.

Why don't men just say what they really think and how they feel?

Is it really easier to ignore someone and risk losing them than to tell them you're too busy to text them right now?

One of the biggest reasons why he never texts you back (but always responds when you text him) is because of his low effort.

If he never finds time to text you, stop texting him!

It's best to have fun and make sure he knows it. This will let him know that you don't care if he texts you back and you're equally happy with or without him.

One of the best things you can do is focus on yourself instead of wasting time wondering why he didn't text you back.

This is the only recipe that works for sure. Focus on living your best life.

When he finally texts you, you can do two things:

  • reply to him and ask him to explain what took him so long (the latter is optional);
  • ignore him for the rest of your life (or for a while just to try his own medicine).

Whatever you decide, you will make the right choice - for you.

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