
The chemistry is strong, but then the man suddenly loses interest - what's going on?

The chemistry is strong, you feel connected. You start to get excited… could this be it? But then something changes.

Men are programmed to love hunting. Every time they find a new woman attractive, fun, smart and irresistible, they feel a tingle all over their body. They do everything in their power to prove to themselves that they can get this woman. But once a woman shows interest and a man actually gets her, she has nothing left to prove. His fear of commitment kicks in and his first instinct is to run away. So he moves on to the next conquest to reclaim his own ego.

Men who need new conquests to boost their egos are insecure. They lose interest when a woman shows interest because they feel unworthy on some level. Therefore, they have to "hunt" for another woman to feel valuable again.

I know a man who once told me that every time he saw a woman like him, he would think there was something wrong with her. His self-doubt made him lose interest in any woman who actually loved him because he didn't feel worthy of love. Men who fall into this category are emotionally unavailable and not at all interested in being in a relationship. So how can you avoid such men and attract "safer" men who are actually looking for relationships?

Do not fall for a man who immediately promises you "rainbows and flowers". A real man doesn't need that. So find a caring, thoughtful man. A man who is truly serious does not show his feelings until he gets to know you and decides that you are the one.

How to build attraction

In the early stages of a relationship, you want to build enough attraction for him to feel strong enough about you and commit to you on his own. When he himself decides to devote himself to you, then you really "got" him.

How to build attraction? Men fall in love based on how they feel with a woman. If you keep asking him where he is or pressuring him about where the relationship is going, he won't feel good. Be confident, playful and sure of themselves. Have fun. Laugh. Go with the flow. Make him feel good in your company at this moment so that he will want to spend his future with you.

Be the best version of yourself. The version of me that relaxes with friends and has fun. Don't be the crazy, insecure version of yourself who constantly wonders if you're good enough for him. Don't let your emotions blind you to what's best in you. If you feel insecure because he hasn't called, go out and have fun with your friends. Don't tell him you're insecure about it. If he wants to have you, let him try.


If you think too much about the future and get serious too soon, it will scare him. If he loses interest and pulls away, let him go. Don't get into drama. Understand that you cannot force him to be interested in you.

If he's the right man for you, he'll figure out what he's missing and feel secure enough to come back knowing you're not forcing him to do anything!

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