We've all heard the claim that we shouldn't eat late at night, because that way we'll immediately gain extra pounds. But this is not necessarily true - many experts even recommend not going to bed on an empty stomach, as this can cause a drop in blood sugar. What types of food are best to reach for if you are hungry right before bed?
Healthy food
Are you just unable to resist sweets? Not only can you quickly gain extra pounds, this way of eating is not the best for your overall health either. We have prepared for you 5 reasons why you constantly crave sweet dishes and tips on how to resist this desire.
Why don't we lose weight? If you've ever experienced this, then you know how frustrating it is when, after a week of diet and exercise, the number on the scale doesn't move down, but stays in the same place, or shows even a kilogram more.
A healthy diet is a way of life that everyone should strive for, not only to maintain a beautiful figure, but also for general health. However, overdoing and obsessing over healthy food can lead to more serious problems and one of them is an eating disorder called orthorexia. We have prepared for you 6 signs that you should pay attention to when eating healthy.
Veganism is not just a way of eating, it is a way of life. His original philosophy includes not only the need not to harm animals, but also the environment. There are a number of reasons why you should go vegan for at least a month.
We all like to sweeten ourselves, be it with chocolate, cakes or other sweets. However, we must be aware that such a diet not only attracts unwanted pounds, but is generally harmful to our health. The following are 6 positive changes that you will start to notice after just a week.
If you're tired and sleepy after a good meal, you're not alone. Fatigue after a meal is a very common phenomenon in humans. This is influenced by hormones, food sensitivities, and the list goes on. Of course, there is a solution for this and we have some tips here.
Golden milk or curcumin latte is a very popular drink. Its preparation is very easy, and it also provides a real explosion of flavors. In Indian and Chinese medicine, it is credited with healing power because it is said to have a beneficial effect on the body and mind.
Since there are many more toxins and toxic substances in the environment today, it is crucial for our health to detoxify and cleanse our body.
Not in the habit of planning meals in advance? This may be a recipe for disaster when it comes to your nutritional goals. Learn about the benefits of pre-prepared meals and tips to make your daily tasks easier.
Each of us knows someone who thinks that carbohydrates are bad, that they are fattening, or that frozen fruit is worse than fresh... Think again, and below we will reveal the facts behind these common myths.
Small changes in your diet and regular exercise work wonders.