A good enough and satisfying workout to complete in less than five minutes? Sounds pretty hair-raising, doesn't it? Well, apparently it is possible. In this 4-minute workout that we will present to you today, we strengthen the entire body, increase muscular endurance and provide cardiovascular fitness. Movements are performed in short intense intervals, which allows you to burn calories, and calories will be burned even after the exercise.
At the beginning of February, Cankar's home will once again turn into a temple of health for three days with the DAO YAH event. The event, which is based on the dissemination of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine and homeopathy, will this time take a closer look at the physical and mental changes that accompany different periods of life.
We have a bunch of apps on our smartphone. Some are more, others less useful. If you could only have one, let it be the one prepared by the Slovenian Association of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Technicians in Ljubljana. With it, you might save someone's life one day. It is a mobile version of the Pocket Guide to Dealing with Emergency Situations. On the application, you can find resuscitation procedures, resolving a foreign body in the airway, stopping bleeding and placing an unconscious person in a lateral stable position.
In order to avoid sniffles and coughs, desks full of tissues and sick colleagues this winter, we need to take care of a good immune system. You already know the basic rules: don't smoke, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, drink alcohol in moderation, wash your hands, reduce stress and get enough sleep. But there are also some slightly more unusual ways to improve the immune system. Today we present you 6 'strange' methods for a better immune system.
Do you love kefir? How could you not, when it is so useful for our organism? Kefir, which means well-being in Turkish, has many beneficial effects on the body, as evidenced by numerous studies. It is an ancient fermented food rich in enzymes, which has many beneficial microorganisms for the body and is supposed to provide greater resistance and increase energy. Making homemade kefir is quite simple, and you only need two ingredients.
Looking forward to December and with it many pre-New Year's parties. Many people will look too deeply into the glass that night and lie in bed with the cat the next day. You've probably heard of many ways to cure a hangover, but definitely not this one. In Amsterdam, for all those who partied too wildly the night before and feel the negative consequences the next day, the world's first hangover bar has been opened, which in a unique way helps alleviate the consequences of drinking. It sounds like the name Hangover Bar. And no, it's not a wedge-with-a-wedge method.
The Narava-zdravje 2016 fair will take place from November 24 to 27, 2016 at the Economic Exhibition Center. The purpose of this traditional fair, which consists of various sections (from nutrition to green coexistence), is to spread ecological awareness, which in a comprehensive image necessarily and always goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. Tickets are already on sale.
An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but it certainly helps with weight loss. We have prepared some tips that will help you lose weight more easily. How can apples help you get slimmer?
Although the initial enthusiasm for the Pokemon Go mobile game has cooled slightly, there is encouraging news for all fans. Research has shown that playing Pokemon Go prolongs life. Why and for how much, we will publish below.
Baking soda is one of the most interesting and versatile home remedies. It will help you in cooking, cleaning, cosmetics and many other things. Here are the best (and tried and tested!) suggestions.
Pink October is breast cancer awareness month, and on October 15th we celebrate Healthy Breast Day for the ninth year in a row. Members of the Slovenian association Europa Donna will dance today in Ljubljana, Slovenska Bistrica, Postojna and in Jesenice, and in this way mark the day of healthy breasts.
Not only wine, but also tequila in moderation is beneficial for our health! You may have already heard that you can use tequila for better hair and skin (helps with oily hair, and regular use reduces blackheads and pimples), that it is a probiotic and consequently beneficial for health, but you certainly haven't yet! That doesn't mean you can throw up spike after spike in the name of health. The secret is in moderation and slow drinking, and when you take it is also important.