
The model showed off her cellulite and reminded us that it's completely natural

At a time when women are 'crazy' for a perfect figure, it's good that someone reminds us from time to time that no one is perfect and that we shouldn't be ashamed of our bodies. It can be especially effective if a model, a woman who is supposed to have the perfect body, reminds us of this. Charli Howard shared a photo of her cellulite on her Instagram and reminded us that it's completely natural.

Britanska manekenka in aktivistka Charli Howard, ki sodeluje z modno agencijo Muse NYC iz ZDA, je spregovorila o pritisku, ki ga je čutila kot mladostnica, ko so ji govorili, da ne sme imeti celulita oziroma da je to grdo. Zavidala je dekletom, ki celulita niso imele (vsaj videti je bilo tako) in ki so zanjo predstavljale ideal. Enako je bili z vsemi dekleti, modeli in zvezdnicami, ki so krasile razne revije. Če ga je katera pokazala, so jo različne revije osramotile. Zaradi tega je Charlie cellulite razumela kot nekaj ‘sramotnega’ in ‘nenavadnega’.

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Vse dokler ni odrasla in videla teles drugih žensk, ni spoznala, kako naravno je to in da se nima ničesar sramovati. Pravi, da območja s celulitom sicer niso njen najljubši del na telesu, a se zaradi tega ne počuti nič manj lepa.

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