
A smart bandage that remotely informs the doctor about the progress of the injury

A smart commitment

Bonds are among the more fundamental medical devices. Thanks to the University of Swansea, they now have a brain. Smart dressings with 5G connectivity and the ability to monitor wound healing are expected to revolutionize healthcare. They should be available by the end of 2017.

British researchers of Swansea University are with help 3D printer made smart binding with support for fast 5G mobile network (this connection will be very important to ensure continuous data transfer to the hospital servers) and tiny sensors that are intended to improve and simplify the treatment process. The obligation is to report the condition of the treated wound and progress to the medical or to the medical staff, and the injured person at the same time there will be no need to remove the bandage.

A smart bandage will greatly simplify and reduce the cost of treatment.
A smart bandage will greatly simplify and reduce the cost of treatment.

In practice, this also means that the patient you won't have to go to the doctor so often, as they will be able to remotely monitor the healing of the injury as well as the patient's activities and use the data obtained to adjust the treatment method.

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There are still smart commitments in the development phase, and they could be available for commercial use as early as 2018. Even before that, they will be tested in a bunch of tests.

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