Do you pay attention to sitting? Since modern technology has advanced at the speed of light, people have everything right in front of their noses - all information is available with the click of a mouse. At the same time, this means that we spend more and more time sitting these days, which the birds are already chirping about is not the best for us.
When the seasons change, it is also necessary to take care of the skin of the face. In autumn, we clean, refresh and nourish our face with a DIY organic face mask, after applying which our skin will glow with health!
Prolonged sitting has many negative effects on our health. You probably already know that. But you probably don't know how to easily cancel out the bad effects of sitting for long periods of time. No, exercise is not the right answer. Our bodies are made for movement, but we sit at computers, in front of the TV and in the car all day. For the sake of health, we should walk for at least two hours a day, which is almost impossible with today's way of life and work. We are happily shortening our lives by marathon sitting, which calls for health problems. But what to do when we have no other choice but to sit for a long time, but we would still like to do something for our health?
In November 2015, the 46th Nature - Health Fair will be held, again hosted by the Economic Exhibition Center. The fair, which evolved from a mushroom exhibition, is today a living encyclopedia of everything related to health, nature and a balanced life. If you like to live in harmony, healthy and environmentally friendly, if you are interested in how to behave sustainably, then you will find an answer to every specific question during workshops, lectures, tastings and other presentations.
Music is a wonderful thing. It can make us happy, it can make us want to dance, but at the same time it allows us to escape from the real world for a few moments. But music is not "just" that. Music is scientifically proven medicine. It leaves an impression on our brains that is deeper than any other human experience. Among other things, music can improve the memory of dementia patients and help them develop new memories. Let's see what music can heal.
What would you prefer? Lived 150 years and gave up sex or lived around 80 years and enjoyed carnal pleasures? If (!) Professor Alex Zhavoronkov, director of the Biogerontology Research Foundation, is to be believed, humans can live up to 150 years. And what's the trick? We must give up sex.
A flat stomach is to women what a "six pack" is to men. It is not only a reflection of a healthy diet, but also of regular exercise. Every day we hear about magic diets and miraculous weight loss products that cost us hundreds of euros. Maybe it's time to look in the kitchen and find foods that will help burn belly fat. Of course, regular exercise should not be forgotten. You know... without a fly, the shoe doesn't come on.
A miracle exercise pill that will get rid of your fidgeting? Yes, you read that right - it looks like it's going to be possible to buy an exercise pill soon. I guess this is great news for those of you who don't like much exercise or simply don't have time for it. Now all the excuses will be redundant - with a gym pill you will lose pounds right on the couch at home in front of the TV (otherwise I suggest you try to lose them in a place where they won't find you too easily!).
A mix of a greenhouse and a rust-colored barn, this is a spa and event space that sits on the edge of Lake Vättern in southern Sweden. Designed by Tailor Made Arkitekter studio, Uppgrenna Naturhus was inspired by traditional Swedish architecture and greenhouses. This is a spa that is completely different.
Everyone who has at least as much of a sweet tooth as we do knows that fall and the approaching holidays mean only one thing - loads of sweet apple pies, wraps, caramel apples and other sweets that are so welcome in the colder days. To make it easier to give up unhealthy vices, we have prepared 5 tips on how to mitigate, if not completely eliminate, the desire for sugar...
Do you know what to do if you burn your tongue? The colder weather is coming, which means that we will be pressing our palms against the cup more and more often and sipping hot tea or chocolate. Danger always lurks even with hot soups, pizzas and the like. With hot drinks and food, and because of our inattention, we can quickly burn our tongue. Find out what you need to do to eliminate the burning pain below.
You have probably seen in the media that diets that require fasting - giving up food - have been in vogue recently. Of course, you will ask me, but what is new here? After all, the point of diets is to give up a thousand and one sins. But these diets are still a little different - with them, we lose pounds by fasting (absolutely giving up food), and of course you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to make it clear to each of us that fasting makes you lose weight - even if you just lay in bed.