
What should you never dream of sharing on social media?

What should you never dream of sharing on social media?

Thanks to social networks, anonymous people have become "personalities" living life in public - we have served curious minds with information about what goes on behind our closed doors, and some individuals have lost their compass and even inform us about their biological needs. Do we really care? What should you never dream of sharing on social media?

That they are social networks a form of addiction, it's no secret. Years ago we used to waste hours on the net MSN, then the world went crazy Facebook, which we used to correspond and connect, but here and there we are shared some too glimpses of our lives.

With the development of technology that offers many more options over the years, we as web users, despite warnings about the collection of personal information and other dangers of public exposure, became much more seductive, naive and eager foreign attention – it no longer matters who the people who follow us are, only the number counts. If years ago it seemed shocking that someone shared a photo while fulfills biological needs, today is it completely "normal". And audiences seem to enjoy watching such content – whatever the demand is, so is the offer.

Even though society has become free and an open mind has also moved online, there are limits, which you should also set - protect your reputation, name, family, privacy ... because this is a gift you are given at birth and you should had to guard. You never know, when will you have the information, which you shared on networks, hit her head.

Protect your reputation, name, family, privacy...
Protect your reputation, name, family, privacy...


1. Intimate details about your relationships

Whatever happens between you and your partner in bed, it is not discussed publicly on social networks. Intimacy is the most important thing between two people, so you can quickly lose your partner's trust and respect.

Photos of them kissing also belong to the category of intimacy. Love is a beautiful thing and it's silly to pretend that couples aren't kissing and having sex, but posting photos like this is distasteful to viewers. Your relatives probably won't be happy to see such a photo either. Interestingly, experts have found, among other things, that couples who share this type of photos on social networks doubt their partners and are insecure about their relationship.

2. Prohibited actions

Controversial actions are questionable in themselves, if you share them on social networks, you can pay a fine or go to prison. Not to mention the reputation you can lose in an instant. Such an act can close the door for you in various areas, if it comes to emotional or business relationships.

He does not share intimate details about his relationships.
He does not share intimate details about his relationships.

3. Disputed comments

Among other things, social networks are designed to express your opinion in the comments section, but there is a difference between a constructive point of view and hate speech. He thinks about other people's feelings and his NAME. Sometimes it's much better to be wise and watch what's going on and make up your own mind than to be clever.

4. Complaints against works

You probably won't find a perfect workplace, because every job includes less pleasant moments that can make even the coldest person's blood run through their veins, but that's no reason to write embarrassing things online about your boss, working conditions, salary, company... S with such actions, you publicly defame the name of the company and the boss, which affects business and your future - the boss will somehow find out about your outbursts of dissatisfaction, which can cost you.

5. Photos of an SMS conversation with another person

If you follow social networks diligently, then you know that some users mass-share photos of conversations with other people. They don't seem to have understood why some messages are private. Ask yourself why the public should know what you talk about with your loved ones. It is much worse if you publish a conversation without permission, because you can lose the trust of an important person because of an absurd and thoughtless act.

6. Biggest Secrets

Q&A is a popular method of communicating with followers on social media, but that doesn't mean you have to answer every question. Secrets and important confessions are meant to be kept to yourself or shared with a limited circle of people you trust. You cannot trust strangers online, even if they seem to be your "friends".

Likes don't matter, content matters.
Likes don't matter, content matters.

7. Explicit photographs

The web is much bigger than you can imagine and you never know what page your photos might land on. A reputation that can be destroyed by one photo is difficult to recover, even if we live in times when almost everything has become acceptable and "normal".

8. Making false accusations against another person

Social networks are the worst place in which you can think that you will solve disputes and "take revenge". You probably don't want to have the burden on your shoulders if the person you fell for will harm your life? And why would he spread lies anyway? What do you get out of it?


  • Your exact locations.
  • Posts about prestigious gifts or purchases.
  • Baby ultrasound photo.
  • Information about your financial situation.
  • Detailed travel plans.
  • Photos or videos of loved ones that you took without permission.

Always keep in mind that they will contents, that you have published online, always stayed there, even if you have deleted them from your profile on the social network. Your thoughtless post is just another one puzzle piece, one more piece of information, which goes into the hands of the companies that serve billions by collecting personal data. Yours too!

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