
The 2018 Kardeljevo Platzada charity run

The students invite everyone who values a healthy mind in a healthy body and charity to take part in the charity Kardeljev run on Tuesday, April 24 at 4:00 pm at the Kardeljev platform in Ljubljana.

Important information
Kardel's platform
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Charitable contributions

The Kardel Games will be held a little differently this year. They are organizing a fun event on the Kardeljev platform, which will combine sport and entertainment with charity: CHARITY RUN KARDELJEVE PLOŠČADA.

Even if you were in the last category at the beginning of the description, don't worry! Various activities will also take place during the run, such as zorbing and running over obstacles. You can also just come to cheer on the competitors and relax in the sun.

The entry fee for the run is made up of voluntary contributions that will be collected at the event. The purpose of the run is to collect money that will be used for vacations for children from socially disadvantaged families as part of the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia.

Info Box

More information at:
Charity run of the Kardel platform

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