
Check how and when you will die

When and why you will die

Are you interested in how and when you will die? One thing in life is certain. We're all going to die sometime. With the help of the interactive table, you can check how and when this will happen. The algorithm calculates the probability and cause of a person's death. How does he predict your death? You enter your gender, race, and age into the table and you'll find out when and what you're most likely to die from.

Are you interested in when will you die and why? We all think about death and the transience of life at some point, and now you can get a very definite answer too. Nathan Yau he has invented a way to predict this based on race, age and gender. His simulation based on data from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (US CDC) on deaths and causes of death between 1999 and 2014. Causes are summarized according to the ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) classification of the World Health Organization (WHO). Simply put, the simulation spits out how and when people like you died, and uses that as a "crystal ball" to see when and why you will die.

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Do you dare to check when you are most likely to die?
Do you dare to check when you are most likely to die?

How does the table work? After you enter your gender, race, and age, you're presented with a little sea of colored dots. A case of animated simulation, which shows the various probabilities of death from the entered age all the way to 100 years old. So you can see the percentage of people who died at a certain age, and you can also check for each year cause of death and how it varies by age. When we are younger, we are somehow more likely to die from an external cause, but when we are older, the reason is internal in nature. Will you try?

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