
Cheese fondue

Every month we will prepare six new and interesting recipes, so follow us diligently and participate in the Jamnica prize game.

Ingridients: 30 dag of grojer, 30 dag of Emmentaler, garlic, 2 dl of dry wine, nutmeg, spoonful of gravy, diced French loaves, vegetables to taste (cherry tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, olives, peppers...), fried chicken cubes

Preparation: Grate the cheese and mix with a spoonful of thickener so that it is well distributed. Rub the fondue dish with garlic and pour the wine into it, which should be heated almost to boiling point. Add the grated cheese, slowly melt the gazelle and mix occasionally. Add nutmeg. Tip: The better the wine, the better the fondue. Place the container with the cheese on the burner and let it heat at the lowest possible temperature. Dip bread, vegetables and pieces of meat into the cheese on a long fork. Stir occasionally.

If you want to cast your vote for raw fondue, fill out the form below.

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