
Siri on steroids: How iOS 18 will speed up your smart assistant

iOS 18 made your smart assistant faster

Photo: Apple
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Apple is preparing groundbreaking upgrades for Siri, including generative artificial intelligence and improved voice command recognition. Siri is getting ready for big changes with the new iOS 18, which will bring users generative artificial intelligence, more natural responses and the ability to use it without the command phrase "Hey Siri". Check out how these improvements will affect your user experience.

Have you ever said “Hey Siri” and gotten a response that left you questioning the intelligence of your smart assistant? This time, Apple promises that this will be a thing of the past. With the upgrade to iOS 18, Siri will receive major changes that will make your experience with her more fluid and less frustrating.

Generative AI in your device

With iOS 18, Apple will introduce generative artificial intelligence (AI) to Siri, enabling more natural and human responses. Instead of the usual robotic responses, you'll receive more conversational and contextually tailored feedback. These upgrades will allow better understanding and execution of more complex commands, making Siri even more useful in everyday life​​.

Goodbye “Hey Siri”, hello simplicity

One of the most notable changes will be the removal of the need to use the phrase “Hey Siri”. Users will now be able to simply say "Siri" and then a command, which will simplify and speed up interaction with the assistant. This change, although perhaps small at first glance, is technically very demanding, as Siri must recognize the command in different accents and dialects​​.

Deep integrations with applications

Apple also plans to better integrate Siri with third-party apps. This means that Siri will be able to better understand context and provide more personalized responses and actions within the apps you use. For example, if you're going to use a food delivery app, Siri will be able to better manage your order and provide you with more specific information.

Optimized for Apple Watch

Siri won't just stay on your iPhone. Apple is also improving its performance on the Apple Watch, where it will be more useful for short but meaningful interactions. Generative artificial intelligence will help make Siri on your watch faster and more accurate in responding to your inquiry.


With the arrival of iOS 18, it looks like Siri will finally get the overhaul it deserves. With generative artificial intelligence, simpler activation and better integrations with applications, it will become an indispensable part of your everyday life. Get ready for Siri to become your new best friend who not only listens, but also understands.

Whether you're a longtime user of Apple devices or just thinking about making the switch, these improvements are sure to be something you'll be excited about. And who knows, maybe soon you'll say “Siri, write an article” and actually get something useful!

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