
The positive effects of chocolate on health, which are scientifically proven!

Chocolate lovers, rejoice: chocolate is not only delicious, but also has many health benefits - according to the latest research, it is also associated with a lower risk of stroke and heart disease, among other things. This ultimate mood-enhancing, indulgent food is certainly not the healthiest – but good chocolate, dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa or more, really benefits our health. Chocolate is so good for the heart, blood circulation and brain, and it is also said to be beneficial for autism, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and aging in general. The latest research shows, among other things, that even milk chocolate should have valuable nutrients that reduce the possibility of heart problems. Here are ten scientifically proven positive effects of good chocolate on our health.

1. Chocolate is good for the heart and blood circulation.

A recent study found that dark chocolate helps restore artery flexibility while preventing white blood cells from sticking to vessel walls, a common cause of artery clogging.

2. Chocolate reduces the risk of stroke.

Research conducted in Finland showed that eating chocolate reduces the risk of stroke by an incredible 17 percent, which was shown by a study in which men participated.

3. Chocolate is rich in minerals.

Dark chocolate is full of useful minerals such as potassium, zinc and selenium. 100 grams of dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa or more) provides as much as 67 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron.

4. Chocolate reduces cholesterol.

Cocoa consumption has been proven to reduce levels of bad cholesterol and raise levels of good cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Chocolate is good for our skin.

The flavonols in dark chocolate can protect the skin from sun damage.

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6. Chocolate can help us lose weight.

It's true, chocolate can help us lose weight. One piece of good chocolate, melted on the tongue 20 minutes before a meal, triggers a hormone in the brain that makes us feel full. Also, after the end of the meal, with an equally large piece of chocolate and the same procedure, we can prevent later reaching for snacks.

7. Chocolate is good for mothers and babies.

A Finnish study showed that chocolate reduces stress in pregnant women and that the children of such mothers smiled more often than the children of those mothers who did not eat chocolate.

8. Chocolate can prevent diabetes.

It may sound crazy, but cocoa has been proven to improve insulin sensitivity. Thus, dark chocolate - of course in moderate quantities - can delay and prevent the onset of diabetes.

9. Chocolate is good for the brain.

Flavonols are what reduce memory loss in older people. The anti-inflammatory properties of dark chocolate have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of brain injuries such as concussion.

10. Chocolate improves mood.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine or the "love molecule", which is the same chemical substance that creates the feeling of being in love in our brain. Phenylethylamine thus stimulates our brain to release endorphins for well-being.

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