
Christmas cactus or schlumbergera: a flower that brings happiness and joy to the home

How to care for it properly so that it blooms all year round

Photo: envato

Christmas cactus, also known as Schlumbergera, is a popular indoor plant that delights us with its beautiful flowers during the colder months of the year. Native to the Brazilian tropical rainforest, this gentle cactus differs from its desert relatives in appearance and needs. Unlike spiny desert cacti, the Christmas cactus has smooth, segmented leaves and blooms with spectacular flowers in a variety of shades, from white to pink, red and purple. How to take care of the Christmas cactus so that it blooms all year round?

Its unique shape and easy care have made it popular around the world, especially during the holiday season, when its colorful flowers bring warmth and color to homes. In this article, we will explore how to nurture Christmas cactus, that it will bloom abundantly again every year, and discover the secrets that make this plant so special and loved by houseplant lovers.

How to take care of the Christmas cactus so that it blooms for a long time?

Its bright and attractive flowers they become real eye candy during the Christmas season. With the arrival of the winter idyll and festive atmosphere, many people want to create a warm and colorful atmosphere in their home. The Christmas cactus, with its vibrant flowers, offers just that – festive atmosphere during Christmas days.

In addition to decoration, the Christmas cactus also carries symbol of happiness. It expresses a wish for prosperity, love and happiness during the holiday season. But if you want it to bloom in all its beauty, it is crucial proper care. With a natural approach to care, you will achieve that the Christmas cactus will beautify your home and fill it with color and freshness.

Help it bloom in all its beauty. Photo: Kostiantyn Vierkieiev / Unsplash

One of the innovative methods you can use to feed your Christmas cactus and encourage lush blooms is to use a tea infusion.

Christmas cactus care with tea

Tea is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that are beneficial for both plants and the environment. In addition, tea acts as an excellent fertilizer, allowing plants to receive the necessary ingredients for healthy growth.

Simply wonderful. Photo: Pixabay

Process preparing a tea infusion for feeding the Christmas cactus is simple.

  1. Add 15 grams of tea leaves to 500 milliliters of boiling water.
  2. Boil the tea for half an hour.
  3. Lightly moisten the soil of the plant with regular water.
  4. Apply the cooled tea evenly on the soil.
  5. Spray the leaves of the plant with the tea infusion as well.

When choosing tea, it is important that it is of organic origin and without additives, additives and pieces of fruit and berries. We recommend this natural way of eating once every two weeks, which will ensure that your Christmas cactus blooms in all its beauty.

With this simple trick, you can give your Christmas cactus perfect care, admirable blooms, and at the same time contribute to sustainable and natural care in your home.

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