
Christmas and New Year greetings and verses

At the end of December, we dedicate a lot of time to our friends, relatives and acquaintances. If we don't have time to visit them, at least we send them a Christmas and New Year greeting in the form of a business card or a text message. In any case, it is the intent and the words that carry the real weight. If your imagination lets you down, you can help yourself when writing greetings with our selection. The best Christmas and New Year greetings and verses will warm your heart.

Christmas and New Year greetings and verses:

I wish you that all your wishes come true,
expectations and dreams, even those
which you set high above the clouds. Good luck!

May every star grant you a wish,
every snowflake puts a smile on your face
and may every step bring happiness this holiday season!

There are paths that lead to new places, there are paths on which many things are experienced, there are paths that lead to new knowledge, and there are paths that lead to people's hearts. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

He who is content in heart and soul is rich.
I wish you such wealth in the new year.
(unknown author)

Miracles do exist!
You just have to believe in them.
Make it a new year
full of wonders for everyone.

Because in every year we are always in a hurry,
stop time at least for the holidays.
Let the old year say goodbye then,
but he takes all your worries with him.

We'll turn the lights back on now,
remember days gone by
we will forget everything bad
you remembered all the good things.
So now let's hold hands,
let's look into each other's eyes
we wish you happiness, health
in the year that is about to be born.
When the holiday lights come on
in the middle of a white, cold winter,
friendship warms our palms
and desires rise from the heart to the heights.
Let everything that is bad fade away with the new year!
May all that is good remain forever!
May all that is beautiful grow and flourish!

The time when the star turns solid,
all the old ways are closed,
new ones paved with hopes,
happiness is the source of smiles.

Christmas, New Year are approaching,
each of us is eagerly waiting for them!
What message do you have for us?
If only that would happen to us,
what we desire in ourselves,
which we all look forward to the most!
Be it north, east, south, west -
luck goes with us in all directions!

There is a wonderful, mysterious law of nature,
that the three things that man longs for the most:
happiness, freedom and peace of mind
we always gain by
to give them to someone we love.
(unknown author)

The sound of Christmas carols is heard outside,
holiday lights are turned on in homes.
May peace and warmth settle in our hearts.
May the magic of Christmas and New Year live on for a long time.

Every word, every look,
every action and every smile
can bring happiness to other people.
Every moment can be a new beginning.
(unknown author)

New Year is a stranger,
it's nice to meet him
to trust him, and yet
don't expect too much.
(unknown author)

There are days and moments full of happiness and grace,
when we close our joyful eyes and silently wish: that it doesn't pass.
Let everything that is bad fade away with the New Year!
May all that is good remain forever!
May happiness gently embrace you in peace!
(unknown author)

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