
Cinema in the park: Summer movies in Češminov Park


At the end of the season, the city cinema of Domžale is moving to Češminov Park in Domžale, where we will be able to visit Cinema in the Park for the third time in a row this year.

Important information
Češminov Park, Domžale
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

In the month of July, on the lawn in front of the pavilion in Česmin Park organized nine evening film screenings that will take place this year free for the first time. In this way, the organizers enrich the summer events in Domžale, where it is Cinema in the park certainly one of the central events. The film selection follows the program guidelines Domžale city cinema, but at the same time it is a bit more playful in the summer. In the open air, we will be able to watch five films that have not yet been shown in the Domžale City Cinema, while four represent a short selection of those that were shown in the cinema from last September to this June. We can check the full movie schedule here.

All movies start at 9:30 p.m. Češminov Park is located along Plečnikova Street in Domžale. Parking is available right next to the park, in the Domžale Elementary School parking lot and at the Bistra residential complex. There are 150 seats available in the park, and spectators can also bring their own seats. Since a large part of the area in front of the canvas is covered with grass, picnic blankets are also welcome. As every year, a movie cafe will be open next to the venue.

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