
CITY CHEF cooking academy - desserts

The March CITY CHEF cooking academy passed all too quickly with the sweet treats. With the help of Kaval's chefs, we prepared ravioli with cottage cheese on stewed pear with cinnamon, raspberry sorbet, pear crostata, chocolate souffle with vanilla cream... And to further pamper our taste buds, there is...

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The March CITY CHEF cooking academy passed all too quickly with the sweet delicacies. With the help of Kaval's master chefs, we prepared ravioli with cottage cheese on stewed pear with cinnamon, raspberry sorbet, pear crostata, chocolate souffle with vanilla cream... For additional pampering of our taste buds, wine connoisseur Primož Brezovec from Vinoteka Ljubljana took care of the selection of wines, while the official event water Jamnica.

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