
CityJob 2020: we are looking for confident communicators

City Magazine enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, aimed at both sexes. It is visited by an average of 50,000+ different devices on a daily basis. Posts also have more than 10,000 reads.

Work a journalist in 2020 it's no longer a regular job you can go to school for! It is a job where we use the set of qualities of a strong communicator. A "journalist" must know the psychology and functioning of the masses in order to be able to work with his own contributions persuades readers to listen to him. He must be an "excellent" in his field and the topic he chooses as the focus of his creation must be extremely familiar to him. It includes a professional, or someone who knows so much about a matter that his judgment is key to creating public opinion. Years 2020 journalist it's not just that anymore. A journalist is an influencer who takes his professional media creation as a comprehensive vocation. More! Good journalist of the year 2020 is at the same time also multimedia. He must know the basics of design, video editing and photography, and at the same time he must be an esthete. In fact, a multi-tasker. And someone who is willing to take his work as his mission.

At City Magazine we are not only looking for content creators, but those who will inspire with their content and also spread it among the masses. We believe he is a good journalist of the year 2020 influencer, who remains a professional. His opinion is professional and adapted to the medium for which he writes.

Basically it is City Magazine a platform through which individuals can create their digital personality faster and more efficiently by creating content. This is also why we invite those who perceive it in this way to join our ranks.

The plans for the future are big and go in the direction of excellence and the development of new content. And completely new approaches. That is why we invite external colleagues to join our ranks - masters of words, but above all excellent communicators. Namely, communication today is not only in the media unilateral.

At City Magazine, we are not only looking for content creators, but those who will inspire with their content and also spread it among the masses.

Editorial expectations

The philosophy of our editorial office is different from the philosophies of classic publishing houses. Thus, we do not expect classic profiles, but profiles of colleagues who will build and co-create the brand with their energy, enthusiasm and love for creation City Magazine, impressed the online crowds and also the crowds of readers of our printed editions.

Expected skills for cooperation with an external colleague - communicator:

    • Excellent knowledge of the City Magazine medium and its style, purpose, columns, etc. We expect you to know the medium well and to be able to develop innovative topics yourself.
    • Excellent and impeccable knowledge of the Slovenian language.
    • CMS: knowledge of working with CMS-systems is not a requirement, but it is desirable to enter articles on the website (WordPress environment).
    • Working in the cloud - Google Drive, word processor Google Docs, spreadsheets, working with cloud solutions and applications.
    • Working with photos: editing and corrections, formatting, cropping photos (Photoshop, other solutions).
    • Ideas, diligence, precision, innovation and progressiveness.
    • Good knowledge of social networks and the administration of social online channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter).
    • Personal online presence on social networks and own channels for distribution of written content (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
    • Desirable experience in the field of journalism or editing, or experience in the media world.
    • The most desirable feature is the ability to grow professionally and acquire new skills.

Way of working: independently from home with occasional editorial meetings.
Form of work: sp, student or other status.
Payment: monthly depending on the scope of work performed (quantity) and responsibilities, stimulation depending on the success of the content and the level of independence of the communicator.

How do I submit an application?

Send your application with your CV and experience to job@citymagazine.si. At the same time, we ask that you provide as large a range of your previous written products or published articles as possible (for evaluation of your work and placement in the selection).

Info Box

We are accepting applications until 15 October 2020 at the e-mail address:

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.