
Bill Gates has 96 billion dollars under his thumb, how does he spend it?

Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world, ahead of him only Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon (his fortune is estimated at 112 billion US dollars, which is converted to about 99 billion euros). It may be easier to imagine if we tell you that even if Gates gave every Earthling 10 US dollars, he would still have 20 billion left over. Pretty unimaginable, right?

Gates started building his empire quite early. From the age of 17, he went to his private high school for 4,200 US dollars sold his first computer program (schedule system). They are with their childhood friend, Paul Allen founded by Microsoft in 1975. In 1980, he developed operating system for IBM's first personal computer. The MS-DOS system soon became one of Microsoft's most profitable products, as it eventually evolved into an operating system used by almost every PC in the world. When Microsoft started selling its stock, the company was valued at 61 million US dollars, and Gates earned 1.6 billion from the sale of shares. His remaining 45% stake in the company became worth 350 million.

By the 1930s, Gates was already on the list of the richest people in America. Years 1990 Microsoft has released another highly successful product, Microsoft Office, which is still today, 30 years after its first release, one of Microsoft's greatest products. And when it is in 1995 started running Windows 95, Gates became the richest man in the world and remained there until he defeated him in 2008 Warren Buffett, and in 2017 he occupied the throne Jeff Bezos. In 1999, at the height of the "dot com" boom, Gates' fortune even exceeded 100 billion US dollars for a short time.

But that still doesn't mean that everything went smoothly. It was in 2000 resigned as CEO of Microsoft, as it was involved in an antitrust lawsuit filed by the Ministry of Justice. After deciding that the company violated antitrust law, they Microsoft shares fell 14 percent. It took the company almost 15 years to recover. But since then it has been the company made great progress. 2018 was a record-breaking year for Microsoft (US$100 billion) and the company ended the year as the most valuable company, beating out both Apple and Amazon.

Bill Gates has sold or donated most of his Microsoft shares. So far, he has given away $35.8 billion worth of stock, however, he currently owns less than 1 percent of the company's shares. But be careful, this percentage is estimated at around 7.3 billion US dollars.

A charitable institution The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which Gates founded with his wife, is the largest private charity in the world. To date, they have already donated $40 billion to various educational and health initiatives around the world. In 2010, Bill and Melinda joined Warren Buffett and together they created The Giving Pledge. Those who join commit to donating half of their wealth to charity.

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Gates is definitely a dedicated philanthropist, yet he's not afraid to spend money on the things he loves. These are, for example luxury vehicles. His first luxury steel horse was Porsche 911, with which he roamed the desert of New Mexico. He claimed it helped clear his mind. In the 70s, Gates was also known for being collected speeding tickets, and once he was even arrested. Over the years, Gates has amassed quite a few luxury vehicles, including Ferrari 348 and Jaguar XJ6.

But his love of luxury went beyond cars. He bought it in 1997 private jet for 21 billion US dollars. He recently went on a family vacation to the Mediterranean chartered a yacht for 5 million a week. His real estate portfolio is even more impressive. Through his personal investment firm, Cascade, Gates owner of almost half of the hotel chain Four Seasons Holdings. He also has part ownership of the Charles Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2009, he bought it for 9 million ranch in Wyoming, which once belonged to American adventurer Buffalo Bill. In 2013, it was 8.7 million in South Florida bought another ranch. Three years later it is for 18 million bought three more neighboring properties. He spent another 18 million US dollars on equestrian ranch Jenny Craig to Southern California.

Gates is seven years and 63 million US dollars devoted to the construction of a larger and technologically advanced housing unit. He named her Xanadu 2.0 (after the home of Charles Foster Kane from Citizen Kane). Today, Xanadu 2.0 is estimated to be worth around US$131 million. It is in it for 80 thousand US dollars computer screens that can display your favorite picture or photo at any time. There are also real works of art hanging in the house, such as a Winslow Homer painting that Gates bought for $36 million. It's in her 6 kitchens, 7 bedrooms, 18 bathrooms and a large reception hall, where large events can take place. Among other things, he hides in the library Leonardo da Vinci's manuscript, for which Gates paid $30 million in 1994.

It is located in a separate building swimming pool with underwater music system. Gates' favorite tree, A 40-year-old maple tree by the driveway, is monitored 24/7 and has the option of automatic watering. Behind the shore at Gates Lake imports sand all the way from the island of Saint Lucia.

But not all of Gates' purchases are so extravagant. He has a $10 watch on his wrist, because he does not believe in expensive clothes, he is also supposed to go to McDonalds and drank Diet Coke. His thrift also extends to his children. Everyone he will receive $10 million from them, which is less than 1.1 percent of total assets. Gates is of the opinion that they must children succeed on their own. In the end, most of Gates' fortune will go to charity.

For 2019, Gates, who otherwise does not believe in New Year's resolutions, has pledged to taught and reflected on the balance between privacy and innovation and devoted himself to the use of technology in education.

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