
Recipe: Nutelasagna is a true 'highlight' for Nutella lovers

Recipe: Nutelasagna is a highlight for Nutella lovers

If we combine the most popular Nutella spread and the greatest Italian specialty lasagna, we get a crazy dessert treat that will drive you crazy. Are you also drooling while looking for the ingredients to make Nutellasagne?

Nutellasagna is a rich, creamy lasagna-shaped dessert served at a New York bakery Robicelli's and instantly became the most desired candy on the Internet. Every morning there is a long line of people outside the bakery wanting their piece of this dessert, which is to be expected, as the list of ingredients includes all our favorite sweets.

Nutella lasagna it consists of layers of lasagna leaves, egg cream, Nutella, chopped chocolate, roasted walnuts and sweet egg white cream.

Nutella + lasagna = Nutelasagna
Nutella + lasagna = Nutelasagna

Bakery owners Allison and Matthew Robicelli created the delicious hybrid over the summer months when they participated in a bakers' campaign to come up with the most innovative and craziest food combinations ever.

The creamiest dessert.
The creamiest dessert.

Nutellasagna it sold so well over the summer that they decided to offer the dessert during the holidays as well. The Italians already have a rich history of brilliant malts, but Nutella lasagna is certainly a welcome addition.

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