
True Indicator of Love: 5 Things Happy Couples Talk About

The initial infatuation protects your relationship in the first few months, but when real life starts to penetrate your bubble of happiness, you two have to slowly take over this task - you have to take care of the relationship, nurture it and devote much more to each other. One of the ways to maintain a good partnership is honest and open communication. What things do happy couples talk about?

If you don't talk about things that only happy couples talk about, that doesn't mean that they are not happy. It also doesn't mean that every couple who talks about the topics you'll learn about below is necessarily happy. But it is more likely that they will felt good about the relationship and built and maintained interconnectedness!

5 things happy couples talk about:

about needing time for themselves.

Setting boundaries, even in an intimate romantic relationship, is key to the well-being of both partners. Everyone needs time for themselves, even lovers. Sometimes it is difficult to explain this to a loved one, as it is often an imbalance between what one partner wants and what the other wants. However, in the long run, it is important for a happy relationship that each of you takes time for yourself when you need it.

Everyone needs time for themselves.
Everyone needs time for themselves.

about needing more tenderness.

If you need more tenderness, it's best to tell your partner directly. Maybe your loved one feels the same way, but is afraid to express it. You may find that you need different amounts of tenderness and discuss how to reach a compromise that works for both of you.

about important things that are not related to the relationship.

It happens to some couples that in the phase of falling in love, they completely close themselves in their pink bubble and neglect the other aspects of life too much. Happy relationships are those where both individuals also maintain their independent lives. Don't give up your hobbies, aspirations and friendships for the person you love.

If you miss each other, just tell each other.
If you miss each other, just tell each other.

…, that she would like to spend more time together.

Playing games who care more or less about the other is doomed in the long run. It still works at first, but later it becomes uncomfortable. If you don't live together yet, but want to spend more time together, talk about it openly and make a compromise.

…, that they feel jealous from time to time.

Jealousy is a normal emotion that many people experience in their romantic relationships. This emotion is extremely painful, which often leads to self-harmful behavior and/or relationship harm. If you feel jealous, tell your partner. Be careful not to sound accusatory, especially if you have no objective reason to be jealous.

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