
We've All Seen Them: 5+ Law of Movies That Were Financial Disasters

The easiest way to measure the success of a film is the profit it brings to the creators. It often happens that the investments exceed the revenues, which in other words means that the creators do not receive any earnings. What movies have we all seen that were financial flops?

Master directors as they are Martin Scorsese, Denis Villeneuve, Quentin Tarantino and many others, of course we know them from movie hits, but that doesn't mean they haven't faced failure in their careers - these the films turned out to be a financial disaster, as they did not bring any profit, but we thought otherwise.

5+ Marriage of Movies That Were Financial Disasters:

1. Children of Men (2006)

Alfonso Cuaron's work received a lot of praise in film circles, but these did not contribute too much to his financial success. Studio Universal Pictures spent 76 million dollars on it, and 70 million dollars flowed into its coffers.

2. Grindhouse (Grindhouse, 2007)

The thriller Grindhouse, in the creation of which, in addition to the main director Robert Rodriguez, several of his friends (including Quentin Tarantino) participated, did not achieve the desired success. Almost 67 million dollars were invested in it, only 25 million dollars were returned.

3. Hugo (Hugo, 2011)

Martin Scorsese doesn't often serve his fans a family adventure like Hugo. The latter brought him 5 Oscars and 185 million in revenue, but he did not manage to exceed the budget of the film full of visual effects.

4. Warrior (2011)

The boxing fight between two brothers (Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton) did not convince the audience to the extent that they would bring him a profit. Its budget of $25 million remained unbroken.

5. Cloud Atlas (Cloud Atlas, 2012)

The film, directed by the Wachowski sisters (Lana and Lilly) and Tom Tykwer, admittedly earned about $130 million, but what if its budget was a bit higher.

6. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

The sequel to the cult film The Exterminator from 1982, signed by Ridley Scott, directed by Denis Villeneuve, was released about two years ago. It brought in $259 million in revenue/in other words, an $80 million loss. The creators spent more than 150 million dollars on filming, and even more on marketing.

7. Annihilation (2018)

The sci-fi drama, starring Natalie Portman, failed to reach its financial goals. An investment of between $40 and $55 million was enough for just $43 million in revenue.

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