
Coca-Cola and its partners donated 67,000 euros to three good causes

Under the auspices of the campaign #vednopodpiraj a good cause, Coca-Cola in Slovenia, in cooperation with the companies Petrol, Mercator and Tuš, awarded a donation in the total amount of 67 thousand euros. The recipients of the donation and the holders of the winning projects are the Association of Friends of the Youth of Ljubljana Moste-Polje for the student fund of the Botrstvo project, the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations for scholarships for young athletes and the Morigenos association for dolphin research in the Slovenian sea.

The purpose of the campaign 1TP5Always support a good cause is to make Slovenian consumers aware of some key social and environmental topics. Coca-Cola Slovenia this year for winning projects in the fields sports, environment and community is allocating a total of 60 thousand euros, and in cooperation with the companies Petrol, Mercator and Tuš, an additional seven thousand euros were collected for three good causes.

The beginnings of this year's campaign 1TP5 Always support good cause dates back to December 2018, when Coca-Cola invited consumers to vote for the winning projects. At the beginning of this year, consumers voted for the recipients of the donation with close to 50,000 votes, and throughout the year, by purchasing the company's drinks and other promotional products, they helped raise funds for three good causes.

The importance of supporting such social initiatives was highlighted at the event by one of the most successful Slovenian alpine skiers and ambassador of the campaign #vednopodpiraj a good cause Jure Košir:

In the past months, we have done a lot of work for the environment and young people in Slovenia. Since I myself grew up with sports, among the three winning projects, supporting young athletes is especially close to me, as we pave the way for Slovenia's bright sporting future. Without supporting young sports hopefuls, even the Olympic year ahead would have no meaning. Thank you to everyone who heard our message and participated in the campaign #vednosupport a good cause.
Jure Košir, ambassador of the 1TP5 project Always support a good cause.
Jure Košir, ambassador of the 1TP5 project Always support a good cause.

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More about the campaign #vednopodpiraj a good cause:
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