
Tricks to make your socks snow white again

Discover effective methods to whiten socks

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Photo: envato elements

Have you noticed that your white socks have lost their shiny whiteness? Don't worry, there are several simple and effective ways to make them sparkling white again. Read our tips and tricks for snow white socks!

So, how to keep snow white socks! White socks they are an indispensable part of the wardrobe, but they often turn gray and lose their original appearance whiteness. To restore them to their former glory, you can use some home remedies that are both safe and effective.

snow white socks
Photo: envato elements

1. Bleaching with white vinegar: White vinegar is great for breaking up and removing stains. Boil water in a large pot, add socks and one a cup of white vinegar. Leave them to soak overnight, then wash as usual​​.

2. Baking Soda: Baking soda is ideal for dirty socks. Fill the sink with warm water and add a generous amount of baking soda. Soak the socks for a few hours, then wring them out and wash them, adding a cup of baking soda to the regular detergent for extra whitening​​.

3. Lemon juice and detergent: Mix a little warm water with lemon juice, add a drop of soap and rub this mixture into your socks. Then put them in a plastic bag overnight and wash them as usual the next day​​.


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snow white socks
Photo: envato elements

4. Hydrogen Peroxide: Add a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 3 liters of warm water. Soak the socks for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the degree of soiling. Then wash them in the washing machine, adding ½ cup of peroxide to the bleach dispenser​​.

5. Tablets for the dishwasher: Surprisingly, dishwasher tablets can whiten socks perfectly. Fill a sink or bucket with warm water, add socks and dish washing tablet. Leave them soaked for a few hours or even overnight, then wash as usual​​.

With these simple tricks, you can restore your white socks to their original whiteness. Not only will they look like new, but you'll also save money by not having to buy new ones.

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