
Concert: punk rock trio White Stain in Ortu bar

The Ljubljana punk rock trio White Stain will premiere the result of this year's studio work - a record called Attached - on Saturday, November 29 at the Ortu bar.

Important information
Ortho bar, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

White Stain are on the album Attached have been working intensively since July, and it contains a selection of ten compositions that were created in the last four years. The first album will thus be a new step in the story that began with the release of a demo CD and in 2010 an EP with the title Evolution. Attached brings a new sound, which White Stain has honed in recent years at many concerts at home and abroad, and we highlight several European tours - the last one they started right before the release of the record and will take the band to Italy, France and Belgium.

READ MORE: Merchandise: post-punk band coming soon to Ljubljana

Album Attached by punk rock trio White Stain.
Album Attached by punk rock trio White Stain.

At a big concert in a small one Ortho bar we will be able to hear all the songs from the (too) long-awaited album, as well as some older pieces, which otherwise rarely find their way into the repertoire. On this special occasion, the band will be joined on stage some more and some less expected guests, where there will be no shortage of nostalgia and fun. Entrance fee with included CDs will be symbolic 5 euros.

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