
Consumers chose the new flavor of Mu Natur yogurt

Ljubljanske mlekarne started a clean label project three years ago, within the framework of which, among other things, they renovated all Mu brand fruit yogurts. Just over a year ago, they took one step further and introduced a new product line, Mu Natur yogurts. Their unique advantage is that they consist of only two ingredients - yogurt and fruit, and are currently the only yogurts with fruit without added sugar on the Slovenian market.

However, product development based on the principle of less is more is very challenging. The key question in the development of the first product of its kind was how to combine only two ingredients, natural yogurt and fruit without any other additives, while at the same time presenting consumers with a high-quality and tasty product with a reasonably long shelf life. She also confirmed that they succeeded Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana with certificate 100 % natural. The prestigious certificate is a guarantee to consumers that they will consume quality products that contain only the naturally occurring sugars fructose and galactose, ingredients in fruit and milk. The Faculty of Biotechnology is also involved in the actual production of Mu Natur yogurts, namely in the form of regular verification of the suitability of the products.

Winner Mu Natur peach/mango already on the shelves

The positive reaction of consumers to Mu Natur yogurts led Ljubljanske mlekarne to the decision to introduce a new flavor to the market, which will join strawberry and blueberry. They wanted to take the development of taste a step further, so they involved consumers and invited them to help make a key decision during the product development phase - what should the new flavor of Mu Natur yogurt be?

In order to check the opinion of consumers, at the end of August, tastings were organized in various Slovenian locations, where consumers had the opportunity to try three flavors of Mu Natur yogurt and vote for their favorite. In a relaxed atmosphere, young people tasted samples, shared opinions and had fun with stand-up performances comedian Jan Kreuzer with the team.

People's willingness to help us make a decision about the new flavor of Mu Natur yogurt was beyond all expectations. We would like to use this opportunity to thank all the participants and let them know that we have of course respected their opinion. The Mu Natur peach/mango flavor received the most votes, which is already available at retail outlets across Slovenia these days.
they also announced from Ljubljanske mlekarni.

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The content is provided by Ljubljanske mlekarne.

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