
Wake up and release the accumulated emotions

Detoxify yourself by crying

Photo: envato

Sometimes you need to cry, just like that, because of life. To open the valves and let out all the tears. Cry until you're empty, until the tears stop flowing.

You may have lost someone you love. Maybe your job is tiring. Maybe life doesn't turn out the way you want it to, no matter how hard you try. You may feel helpless and you may feel guilty about something. Maybe your day was just awful.

The potential reasons for crying are almost endless.

Dealing with feelings requires the power of adaptation. Crying is a healthy reaction, it is a cleansing and washing of the soul. It may take time to get over the discomfort of crying, but you soon realize that you have nothing to be ashamed of, that this is your strength, and that through vulnerability you connect with those close to you on a deeper level.

Release stress. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

In order to have a good, relieving cry, you need to wait for a moment of privacy. You need to be somewhere alone, in solitude. Somewhere where no one will disturb you and where you feel safe.

Maybe you turn on music that makes you sad because it reminds you of someone, of good times that are gone forever and will never come back. Maybe you need music so no one can hear you cry.

Surrender to your feelings. Remember everything that saddens and hurts you to open your tear ducts. You don't have to hold anything back, you can let it all out, let it all flow through the tears.

There is no time limit to a good cry. It comes in intervals. You can cry for ten, fifteen minutes, an hour or more. Every time you stop to catch your breath and wipe your nose, one interval ends, but it may not be the last, it's not over.

Wait a little longer, explore your soul and feelings, go to the vulnerable and painful places to see if they still hurt.

Just let them run. Photo: Alex Green / Pexels

When the tears dry and you are sure that you have cried out everything that was weighing on you, wash yourself and drink a glass of water and relax. Give your body and heart time to feel strength and new energy.

The best way to take time for yourself is to do something relaxing until you fall asleep. You will probably end the evening with a feeling of calmness and serenity, as this is the effect of a good cry.

Let crying become your routine when you need to cleanse yourself of accumulated stress, repressed feelings, tiredness and emptiness of everyday life and use it as an emotional and mental detox.

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