
Black Friday and Cyber Monday - increasingly popular American shopping holidays

Yesterday in America they celebrated the famous day of thanksgiving or Thanksgiving, which opened the festive season, which will end with Christmas and New Year. Today, the popular shopping day is Black Friday, and on the Monday after the holiday, i.e. December 1st, Cyber Monday will come - an online shopping holiday whose popularity in America is growing faster and faster.

Thanksgiving on November 27 marks the official opening of the holiday season in America, but retailers actually offer discounts and holiday deal-breakers long before that. The real "madness" begins on the Friday after Thanksgiving, on the so-called Black Friday. The term was used for the first time as early as 1966, as a huge number of accidents occurred on the roads, which were the result of the massive number of Americans who went on a holiday "shopping trip" on the Friday after the holiday.

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Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday

It is the Monday after Black Friday Cyber Monday, a day when online markets and stores offer a wide variety of discounts to all online shoppers. In fact, many (like Amazon, Walmart, and Target) start their discounts earlier and extend them for the entire week after Cyber Monday.

First introduced by Shop.org in 2005, the holiday has, over the years, led to last year alone Americans wasted online this Monday as much as 2.29 trillion dollars (1.5 trillion the year before). One third of shoppers browsed online stores a day earlier, and most of them (75%) made their purchases in the morning. The average American spent $884.50 on Cyber Monday holiday shopping last year, which is already causing retailers to wring their hands, as this is as much as $150 more than they would have spent on holiday shopping in a regular store.

It's okay, in the 21st century even Santa Claus has no choice but to shop online.

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