
Bald men (or men with a shaved head) are more successful, more intelligent and more manly! Truth or lie?

It is no coincidence that bald men are extremely successful. Men with bald heads are perceived by society as more dominant and more successful, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania.

A bald man they are more successful, intelligent and manly. At least this is what a study conducted by an American scientist concludes Albert E. Mannes. He conducted research on 59 people, from whom he wanted to find out how they react to photographs of men with a shaved head. He first showed them a photo of them with a full head of hair, and then a photo of them without it. People perceived bald men as more dominant, bigger, stronger and more emotionally mature. But even if a man had at least a little hair or not completely shaved, it was seen as less attractive and weaker. Successful man Seth Godin, who has been bald for 20 years, says that a shaved head does not in itself bring success, but it sends the right signal, the signal that we are active.

Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis

Bald men are also perceived by society as more intelligent. She confirmed this study Ronald Henss from Saarland University to more than 20 thousand people. Although they say that baldness reduces physical attractiveness, and many men, such as Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson and Michael Jordan, prove that this is not the case.

You knew that by the age of 60, as many as 65 percent of men become bald? Baldness is largely hereditary, and hair loss brings with it lower self-esteem and less attractiveness to the opposite sex. The main culprit for it is the DHT hormone, a derivative of testosterone (the male sex hormone), which is the enemy of scalp hair follicles.

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