
Eager for friends and thirsty for companionship - it's time to toast again

In April, Coca-Cola suspended all planned marketing activities and redirected resources to help communities and support its most affected retail partners. Together with its partners in the field of filling and distribution, the company has so far donated more than 100 million US dollars globally to humanitarian organizations that have played a major role in the fight against the crisis due to covid-19.

It is in Slovenia The Coca-Cola Foundation supported humanitarian efforts with a donation of US$100,000 Red Cross of Slovenia to limit the spread of the covid-19 epidemic and to support the most vulnerable groups.

Now Coca-Cola is back with a new campaign Open like never before. The campaign, designed by the agency 72andSunny from Amsterdam, marks
a time of cultural and social change. It begins with a manifesto written especially for Coca-Cola by an award-winning artist George The Poet. The artist's words encourage us to be "open to change", be grateful for things from a new perspective and find opportunities in this "new normal".

The second phase of assistance: catering and partners in the HoReCa sector

The support of partners in the HoReCa sector takes place by allocating funds and offering expertise, which enables restaurateurs creating your own ads through the innovative Ad Creator digital platform. When restaurateurs create ads, Coca-Cola sponsors and promotes them on online channels. The ads are shared on online channels in an individualized way and help restaurateurs promote their offer or simply attract guests to their hotels, restaurants or bars. This type of support is available 330 catering establishments in Slovenia.

They are also in the works for some partner restaurants special shades with integrated disinfectants for hand disinfection. This reduces costs for caterers due to adaptation to measures to combat covid-19.

Shade with integrated disinfectant for hand disinfection.
Shade with integrated disinfectant for hand disinfection.

After a long period in which we were deprived of many things we took for granted, we return to old habits. Living during the shutdown of public life has taught us to be more cautious, but also more open than ever before. Eager for friends and thirsty for companionship - it's time to toast again. In this spirit, the promotional activity is also starting.We are giving away this Coca-Cola', which allows consumers to win a free Coca-Cola or Coca-Cola Zero at their favorite bar. Information on collecting coupons for free Coca-Cola and a list of catering establishments is available HERE.

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