
Christmas and New Year's table decoration: beautiful and simple placemats

A beautiful napkin, again with a snowflake. That's all you need for a big impact.

Christmas and New Year's dinner are truly special occasions with our loved ones. Let the decoration of the Christmas and New Year's table bear witness to this. We have prepared really nice suggestions for simple and inexpensive formal tablecloths.

For Christmas and New Year's table decoration you really don't have to spend a mountain of money. Placemats for Christmas and New Year's dinner they can be downright gorgeous with these completely simple tricks presented in the gallery below, which you probably already have right at home. All you have to do is rummage through the boxes in which you keep your Christmas decorations, through the drawers where the napkins are hidden, and head out into nature, which offers an abundance of natural decorative elements.

It takes so little to make a big impact (Photo: Shutterstock)
It takes so little to make a big impact. (Photo: Shutterstock)

What do you need for a holiday table decoration?

Go hunting for cones and twigs of conifers, dry oranges in time, find ribbons for wrapping gifts, and bows, stars, tree figures and decorative bunting, and the table will be beautifully laid. All you have to do is look your loved ones in the eye, wish them a Merry Christmas and thank them for everything good in the past year. Have a good run!

Gallery: Beautiful, simple and inexpensive ideas for decorating the Christmas and New Year's table

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